Stage 1

Brief and Feasibility

  • We will meet up with you on site to discuss your brief.

  • We will carry out a measured survey and create drawings of your property as existing (including 3D models).

  • Undertake feasibility studies / option appraisals and review of site Information, including investigation on planning and other building constraints.

  • Review design opportunities and constraints.

  • Feasibility Report.

Stage 2

Concept Design 

  • Proposed and existing drawings, including 3Ds.

  • Concept Design Report.

  • Meeting to discuss designs.

    Depending on the size, project risk and / or type of project we sometimes combine the activities listed in the first two stages within one phase.

Stage 3

Developed Design & Planning Application Submission

  • One outline option to be agreed with client for further development.

  • Agree alterations to brief if any.

  • Prepare plans, elevations and other documents that may be needed for planning approvals.

  • Get approval from client on all drawings and documents to be submitted for planning.

  • Submit Planning Application and/or permitted development application as required.

Stage 4

Technical Design

  • Co-ordinate the relevant information received from the other client appointments, such as structural engineer with the architect’s design.

  • Review and update the Project Programme.

  • Prepare the architectural specification.

  • Identify the extent of the technical design work that is to be completed by the contractor or the specialist sub-contractors.

  • Prepare a Technical Design stage package for the client’s approval before progressing to the next stage.

Stage 5

Pre-construction Tender

  • Advise the client on potential contractors to be invited to tender for the construction works

  • Collate the other client appointments tender information and issue the tender pack to the client for its approval.

  • Invite, appraise and report on tenders.

  • Advise the client on Building Control process and appointments required and apply for Building Control prior to starting on site.

Stage 6


  • Provide architectural information to the other client appointments, as reasonably required to enable them to carry out their services.

  • Co-ordinate the design work prepared by the contractor and the specialist sub-contractors with the architect’s’ design.

  • Provide the contractor with the information reasonably required for construction.

  • Prepare contract documents.

  • Respond within a reasonable timeframe to site queries.

  • Administration of Building Contract, (If required by client) including regular site inspections and review of progress.

  • Requesting instructions from the client as well as issuing them.

  • Organise, chair and record meetings, at the frequency stated in the Contract.

  • Carry out visual inspections.

  • Certify interim payments in accordance with the terms of the Building Contract.

  • Review the progress of the construction works against the Project Programme.

  • Issue instructions in accordance with the terms of the Building Contract.

  • Certify Practical Completion when this has been achieved.

Stage 7

Handover and Close Out

  • Carry out visual inspections as stated in the Contract, and comment on resolution of defects and issue site inspection reports to client.

  • Issue a schedule of defective work.

  • Liaise with client, the other client appointments and the contractor in relation to the making good of defects.

  • Inspect the remedial works following receipt of notice from the contractor that the resolution of defective work is complete.

  • Certify when the defective works have been rectified.

  • Assist the client and the contractor to agree the final account and issue the final certificate.